What is it good for? With CPN Numbers you can obtain: Auto Loans, Credit Cards, Personal Loans, Business Loans, Rent an Apartment, or Buy A House. You cannot use a CPN for filing taxes or background checks, strictly credit!
This purchase is guaranteed against death master file.
Your CPN number is unused by anyone as a credit profile number in the Fico bureaus.
Tradeline Ready
This purchase is guaranteed against death master file, non issuance, and caution indications. Enjoy comfort knowing your CPN number is unused by anyone as a credit profile number in the Fico bureaus. * THIS PURCHASE IS FULLY PROCESSED! Tradeline Ready, Tri-merged, and credit bureau processed through Experian, Equifax, & Trans Union.
$200 FREE BONUS: Detailed instructions on how to build your CPN profile to qualify for credit cards and a car loan
PLUS free one-on-one coaching on how to use your CPN number (priceless)
We are accepting payments at our paypal- – Please send money ($150) as friends & family to avoid any additional fees and holds.
We also accept bank deposits, Bit Coin, and, and Zelle.
Once you pay, you need to send us – name,date of birth, new address, new phone number, new email. You can text it to 202-213-2218. we usually will have your tri-merged CPN number in 6 business days. You can expedite your order for a 24hr turnaround for an additional $60.
VERY IMPORTANT: We cannot stress enough the importance of using BRAND NEW information when purchasing a CPN. The smallest thing like a phone number or email address can and WILL merge your new credit file with your old one! As there are absolutely NO REFUNDS on CPNs, it is highly important nothing associated with your old file is used when attempting to build a new one. That is something that is TOTALLY up to the CPN buyer, and not our company! We take absolutely no responsibility if new information is not used when building your new credit file.
Ask about our wide variety of novelty documents
In simple terms, a tradeline is a credit line or an account on your credit report. All of your credit cards are tradelines, your car loan is a tradeline and so is your mortgage. For the purpose of improving your credit score quickly, we add you as an authorized user to a credit card tradeline with perfect credit history. As an authorized user, you will not be responsible for payments to the card, but you will benefit from the tradeline’s perfect history on your credit report. Tradelines stay on the profile for 60 days.
CPN numbers are a second chance in the credit game. We at Official CPN Number are committed to helping you become successful your second time around.
What Is A SCN or CPN? A secondary credit number(SCN) is a nine-digit number that has the exact same genetic makeup of a Social Security Number. A CPN Number (Credit Privacy Number) / SCN Number (Secondary Credit Number) is a unique nine digit identification number that can be used to report financial information to all three credit bureaus. A CPN NUMBER / SCN Number is registered with the Three Credit Reporting Bureaus the process to do so called TRI-Merge (Submitting your personal information & the CPN / SCN to the 3 credit bureaus) and after that you will be able to have payments and financial information reported to.
You legally have the right to establish this number only once, so do not abuse it. After establishing your SCN number you can use it to open up new lines of credit.
Apartment Rental Package
Qualify to rent any house or apartment with out rental package.
Includes trimerged CPN, paystubs, and job verification. Only $350
$60 expedite fee
call 202-213-2218
CPN Package 1
1 Tr--merged/Safesacnned CPN number with 1 tradeline $595
Includes manual, credit karma setup, and 700-740 score and lifetime consulting
14 day expedited file is an additional $95
CPN Package 2
1 Tr--merged/Safesacnned CPN number with 2 tradeline $1200
Includes manual, credit karma setup, and 730-770 score
and lifetime consulting 14 day expedited file is an additional $95
Barclays 10k 2013 18th $445
Cap 1 28k 2016 18thth $300
Discover $700 2015 15th $295
Barclays 1k 2011 11th $295
Citi 13k 2013 24th $445
TD Bank 10k 10 months $295
Barclays 3.5k 17th 18 months $385
Barclay 14k 18 months 5th $385
Cap 1 2k 2016 5th $385
For expanded tradeline list go to >> http://Tradelinesforcredit.
Primary Tradelines
14k-18k INstallment or Revolving
Post every 25th of the month 3yrs old
Post only to Transunion
Credit Sweep 30-90 days
Remove all negative and derogatory items
Including Bankruptcy, medical bills, child support, tax liens, etc.
$500 down
Free consultation
Check your scores here >> http://myscores.info
Check our credit sweeps site @ creditsweeps.net for more information
Do it yourself credit repair Learn all the secrets about how to fix your in 45- 60 days
1.How to Remove Unauthorized Credit Inquiries...
2.How to Boost Your Credit Score 50 Points in 30 Days Without Credit Repair
3.How to Get Guaranteed Credit Card Approval...
Click here to find out more >> Legal Credit Repair
Business Loan
Get a business loan in 3 days
3 months bank statements
1 page application
Bad credit OK
Must make at least 8k a month
Loan amount is approximately whatever you'have
averaged over the last 3 months on your bank statements
More tradelines
These lines require an a drivers license to post
Barclays 16.6k 14yrs 15th $620
Barclays 15k 5yrs 6th $570
Barclays 8.8k 5th 26th $490
Discover 10.5k 6yr 5th $520
Citibank 6.5k 5yrs 24th $480
PNC 12k 14yrs 24th $620
Discover 5.5k 2yrs 10th $425
Barclays 4.5k 1.6yrs 12th $360
Discover 5.5k 1.8yr 3rd $380
Barclays 12.9k 2yr 17th $460
For expanded tradeline list go to >> http://Tradelinesforcredit.
Primary Tradeline
Installment or Revolving
14k-18k 3yrs old Post only to Transunion
Post 25th of every month
50K Business Credit in 3 Months